India Kawasaki Motors has announced the launch of MY22 Ninja 1000SX. The 2022 Ninja 1000SX will be available in two colours – Emerald Blazed Green and Metallic Matte Graphenesteel Gray. Both colour options are available at an ex-showroom (pan-India) price tag of Rs 11.40 lakh. The bookings for the motorcycle are open while the deliveries are scheduled to commence in December 2021.
The changes include new paint options. The technical specifications and the feature list remains unchanged. 2022 Ninja 1000SX which include LED lighting and a 4.3” TFT colour instrumentation with Bluetooth connectivity. The electronic rider aids include ABS, cruise control, riding modes (Sport/ Road/ Rain/ Rider), three-level traction control, power modes (Full/Low), quick-shifter, and Kawasaki Cornering Management Function.
Powering the motorcycle is the 1,043cc, inline four-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine producing 140bhp of maximum power at 10,000rpm and 111Nm of peak torque at 8,000rpm. The motor is linked to a six-speed gearbox. The hardware retains upside-down front forks, a rear mono-shock, twin discs at the front, and a single rotor at the back.